After you have downloaded and installed Examplify, reach out to
IT.SUPPORT@MSMC.EDU if you are have any issues with this, then you should be greeted with the following screen upon launch:
After agreeing to the terms listed, you will then be prompted to enter an
Institution Code
Institution Code = MSMC***************************************************************************************
After clicking
Next you will then be taken to the Examplify login screen
Examplify login screen***************************************************************************************
From here, you will then login with your Examplify credentials, keeping in mind that your
User ID is your address
If you are unable to login to Examplify, then you can reset your password via the following link:
Taking an exam
If you are within the download period set by your instructor, then your exam would be available to download as seen below:
Download Exam***************************************************************************************
Clicking on the Download Exam button will then prompt you to enter the code supplied by your professor
Exam Password screen***************************************************************************************
Known Issues
- If your exam fails to upload, then the solution is to RESTART YOUR MACHINE, keeping in mind that your exam WILL NOT BE LOST
- If you do not see your exam available to download, BUT YOUR CLASS DOES, then you need to have your professor REISSUE THE EXAM TO YOU